Arch Install


Arch is pleasant in that it let’s you take control of the installation process. You can install what you want to install, and skip what in your opinion is bloat.


When installing Arch always use the official documentation, the process changes.

Set up your layout


loadkeys sv-latin1

If you want to e.g. vertically rotate your screen,

echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all

UEFI check

UEFI is a replacement for BIOS and if your motherboard is configured for it you have files here,

ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

Check internet connection

If you have a wifi connection you can run “wifi-menu”, otherwise ethernet is automatically working. Check connection,


Sync time

timedatectl set-ntp true
timedatectl status

Partition the disks

Look at your disk structure,


There are several ways to set up a partition structure, and one could argue that it’s better to have one for boot, one for root, one for home and so on, if something goes wrong in the system.

Usually a regular partition structure is,

Mount point Partition Size
/mnt Linux Remainder of space
[SWAP] Linux Swap +12G

The swap partition should be around x1.5 of your memory. To partition the disk you can use fdisk or cfdisk, in which cfdisk is graphical and more intuitive,


Select dos,then primary partition and bootable for the Linux partition and primary for the swap. Change the swap partition to be of type “Linux swap”. Check with “lsblk”.

If you do not get a menu in “cfdisk” to select label of the disk you may want to change the label to dos (given that you want to use dos and not gpt for UEFI system),

parted /dev/sda
mklabel msdos

Format partitions

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

mkswap /dev/sda2
swapon /dev/sda2

Mount the file systems

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

Installing the system

vim /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Pick mirrors that are close to you. The higher up one the list a mirror is the higher priority it is given. This file will be copied in the installation process.

Install the distribution and any other programs that you want,

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware

Configure the system

Generate file system table file,

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
vim /mnt/etc/fstab

You can see in the file that the option -U selected the UUID option and the /dev/sda is commented out.

Change to root

Change root into your new system,

arch-chroot /mnt

Set time zone

ls /usr/zoneinfo
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc


Generate the locales and edit the config,


vim /etc/locale.conf

Write “LANG=en_US.UTF-8”. Make the keyboard layout permanent,

vim /etc/vconsole.conf

write “KEYMAP=sv-latin1”.

Network config

vim /etc/hostname

Write your hostname, e.g. “ArchServer”.

vim /etc/hosts

Edit this file with the following information,       localhost
::1             localhost	    myhostname.localdomain  myhostname

Setting root password

Set password for the user that you are logged in as, we are logged in as root,


Network setup

One thing that is not in the Arch installation guide is configuring the network internet settings. If you do not do this you will not have an internet connection when booting into your new system.

systemctl enable dhcpcd


pacman -S networkmanager
systemctl enable NetworkManager

Add user

useradd -m magnus
passwd magnus

Sudo is not installed by default as can be seen,

whereis sudo
pacman -S sudo

Add user to groups, the wheel group gets you root access in Arch,

usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,optical,storage magnus
groups magnus

Uncomment “# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL”.

Install bootloader

pacman -S grub
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Exit root and shutdown
